
News summary Semiconductor ETFs led the gains by 2vip99slot.01%, aviat...

News summary

Semiconductor ETFs led the gains by 2vip99slot.01%, aviation and bank ETFs performed well, and the technology and consumer sectors generally rose.

Newsletter text

[Semiconductor ETFs lead global ETFs in gains and perform well]vip99slotUnder widespread attention from, the semiconductor ETF topped the list with a 2.01% increase, showing the strong momentum of the semiconductor industry. At the same time, global aviation ETFs and regional bank ETFs also performed well, closely following with increases of 1.89% and 1.64% respectively. The hot market for technology stocks continues to heat up. The Internet Stock Index ETF and the Global Technology Stock ETF ranked fourth and fifth with increases of 1.56% and 1.48% respectively. The technology industry ETF also ranked among the top six with an increase of 1.44%. Amid this wave of technology stocks, banking ETFs and optional consumer ETFs also kept pace with gains of 1.30% and 1.26% respectively. In addition, the Biotechnology Index ETF, Consumer Goods ETF, Energy Industry ETF and Utility ETF are not far behind, each achieving growth of at least 0.5%, providing more options for diversified investment in the market. The steady performance of these ETFs has undoubtedly brought more confidence to investors.

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